Weather: Yesterday was very cloudy., Last night had a low temperature of 38 degrees F., It was 110 degrees F in West Texas last week., The skies are so clear today., It has not rained this month., It snowed 5 inches last night., It is very sunny today., Tomorrow will have a low of 48 degrees F and a high of 73 degrees F., There is a severe thunderstorm watch for this area today., It was very foggy this morning., Climate: The months of March and April are known as the tornado months because we usually have more tornados then., This winter might be colder than normal., We usually have less recess in December because it is cold., The Earth has been warming more and more every year., New Mexico received more snow this winter then it has in the past., It usually rains a lot in April., The temperature always reaches over 100 degrees F in the summer time in Texas., For the last three years, Texas winter have been very mild., The temperatures in Florida are usually good for swimming., It rained over 70 inches in East Texas in 2018.,

Weather Vs. Climate





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