fossil fuels - a nonrenewable resource that formed millions of years ago from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals, coal - a fossil fuel used for energy which was formed from decomposed plant material, oil/petroleum - a liquid fossil fuel used for energy which was formed, through heat and pressure, from the remains of ancient plants and animals that once lived in the ocean., natural gas - a fossil fuel used for energy which was formed, through heat and pressure, from the remains of ancient sea plants and animals, formation - the way something is structured, or formed¬¬¬¬¬, igneous rock - a rock that forms when magma, or lava, cools and hardens, metamorphic rock - a rock that has been changed by heat and pressure into another kind of rock, sedimentary rock - a type of rock formed when layers of sediment are pressed together and harden over time, pressure - the action of force by one object against another, organic matter - the waste and remains of plants and animals,

Vocabulary Formation of Fossil Fuels





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