Metaphase - Stage in Mitosis in which chromosome pairs line up along the cell equator and spindle fibres attach to the centromere, Haploid cell - A cell that does not contain a full set of chromosomes (n) eg. sperm, egg, pollen etc, Asexual reproduction - A type of reproduction that does not involve gametes (sex cells), Nuclear membrane - Membrane that surrounds the nucleus, Prophase - Stage is mitosis where chromosomes appear in pairs and spindle fibres begin to form, Anaphase - Stage in mitosis in which spindle fibres shorten and chromosome pairs get pulled apart, Tumour - A growth caused by cancer, Centromere - Part of the chromosome pair to which the spindle fibres attach, Eukaryotic cell - A complex cell that contains proper cell parts eg. nucleus, mitochondrion, Cancer - Abnormal cell division causes these type of disorders, Ovaries - The place where meiosis occurs in females, Telophase - Stage in mitosis in which the cell divides and 2 new nuclei are formed, Equator - Centre line of the cell where the chromosome pairs line up, Meiosis - Cell division that produces 4, non identical daughter cells, Genetic variation - ‘Differences’ in a population caused by differences in genes which happens because of meiosis, Interphase - Longest stage in the cell cycle where the cell grows, DNA divides and new cell parts are formed, Multicellular - Mitosis is needed for growth in these types of organism, Carsinogen - A substance that can cause cancer, Spindle fibres - Thread like structures that are needed to pull the chromosome pairs apart, Variation - Another word for ‘differences’ in a population caused by genetics (meiosis) and the environment, Cytokinesis - A word that describes how cytoplasm divides to form 2 new cells, Anther - Structure in flowers that produce male gametes by meiosis, Mitosis - Cell division that produces 2, identical daughter cells, Testes - Where meiosis happens in males, Centrosome - Structure from which spindle fibres begin to form, Gametes - Another word for sex cells eg. egg, sperm and pollen cells, Cell plate - Structure made from cellulose that causes plant cells to divide in 2, Unicellular - Mitosis is a method of reproduction in these type of organisms, Prokaryotic cell - A simple cell that does not have proper cell parts, Diploid cell - A cell that contains a full set of chromosomes described as 2n,

LC Cell Division- Keywords and Definitions





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