1 - Cain kills Abel, 2 - The Great Flood, 3 - The Tower of Babel, 4 - God’s Covenant with Abram, 7 - The Commandments are given, 10 - David reigns over all Israel, 13 - The birth of John the Baptist, 18 - Saul’s conversion on road to Damascus, 12 - Artaxerxes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem, 5 - Jacob named Israel, 19 - Paul writes to the Ephesians, 6 - Moses sent to deliver Israel, 16 - Jesus’ resurrection, 8 - God’s people enter the Promised Land, 9 - Saul becomes King, 11 - Solomon builds the first temple, 20 - John’s Revelation on Patmos, 17 - The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost, 14 - Jesus sends out the Seventy-two, 15 - The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem,

Bible Timeline






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