Health is defined as... - a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, Well-being is defined as... - an equilibrium (balance) in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable and engaged, Health and Well-being refer to... - the state of a person's physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual existence and is characterised by an equilibrium in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable and engaged, Physical Health and Well-being is defined as... - the functioning of the body and its systems , Emotional Health and Well-being is defined as... - being able to recognise, understand and effectively manage and express emotions as well as the ability to display resilience, Mental Health and Well-being is defined as... - the state of a person's mind or brain, and relates to the ability to think and process information, Social Health and Well-being is defined as... - the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations, Spiritual Health and Well-being is defined as... - living according to the ideas, beliefs, values and ethics you possess, Physical Health and Well-being examples include... - physical fitness, body weight, energy levels, Emotional Health and Well-being examples include... - recognising a range of emotions, experiencing appropriate emotional responses, ability to recover from misfortune (resilience), Mental Health and Well-being examples include... - positive self esteem, high levels of confidence, positive thought patterns, Social Health and Well-being examples include... - effective communication, supportive network of friends, well-functioning family, Spiritual Health and Well-being examples include... - sense of belonging, acting according to beliefs and values, having meaning and purpose, Dynamic - constantly changing, Subjective - based on our personal view point,

Match Up - Chapter 1 - Dimensions of Health and Well-being






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