annual (adj) The school trip has become an annual event. - happening once a year, mixture (n) The town is a mixture of the old and the new. - a combination of different things., highlight (v) The speech will highlight the need for education reform. - to emphasise sth important, head for (v) She waved good-bye and headed for the door. - go towards, be held (v) It's usually held in February. - (about an event) to take place, evil (n) the forces of evil - sth that is very bad or harmful, contemporary (adj) contemporary music/art/dance - modern, melting pot (n) Toronto is a melting pot of different cultures. - a place where different peoples, styles, theories, etc. are mixed together, great diversity It's a land of striking natural beauty and great diversity. - a big range of different people, things, or ideas; variety,

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