from the word go - we use this expression to say something was true from the very beginning., bite the bullet - to make yourself do or accept something difficult or unpleasant, to be snowed under (with something) - with too much work to deal with., eat your words - we use this phrase to admit that something we said earlier was wrong, keep your hair on - this expression is used for telling someone not to get angry or upset., spill the beans - to reveal the truth about something secret or private, ruffle somebody’s feathers - this expression means to make someone feel worried or annoyed., make a mountain out of a molehill - used when somebody treats a minor problem as if it were a very serious problem., hit the nail on the head - to do or say whatever is exactly right or to the point, bend someone’s ear - used when somebody talks for a very long time about a rather boring or uninteresting topic., draw a line under it - We use this expression to say that something is completely finished and you will not think about it again., bear something in mind - to remember to consider something when you are thinking about or doing something else, out of the blue - We use this expression to say something happened as a complete surprise., water under the bridge - used for saying that you should stop thinking about something bad that happened in the past and you should forgive people who did bad things,





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