1) 1. Listen! I ... (want) to ask you а few questions. a) want b) am wanting 2) 2. ‘Where is Granny?’ ‘She ... (read) in the garden.’ a) reads b) is reading 3) 5. Jane can’t come to the phone because she ... (wash) her hair. a) washes b) is washing 4) 6. I ... (not/like) football very much. a) don't like b) am not liking 5) 7. We usually ... (go) to the seaside in summer. a) go b) are going 6) 9. ... (you/study) for your exams at the moment? a) Do you study b) Are you studying 7) 10. ... (you/see) my problem? a) Do you see b) Are you seeing 8) 11. Can you be quiet, please? I ... (listen) to the radio. a) listen b) am listening 9) 12. He ... (think) that school is boring. a) thinks b) is thinking 10) 13. They ... (meet) for lunch once а month. a) meet b) are meeting 11) 15. John! Answer the door, please! I ... (make) dinner. a) make b) am making 12) 16. I ... (not/enjoy) cooking very much. a) don't enjoy b) am not enjoying 13) 19. ... (you/know) what’s happening? a) Do you know b) Are you knowing 14) 20. We ... (have) а house near the beach. a) have b) are having

Present Simple or Continuous (stative verbs)





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