1) The view here is so ___. I've never seen anything prettier than this. a) picture b) depict c) picturesque 2) Last month I could ___ afford paying the rent. a) bare b) barely c) bared 3) Please, ___ the term 'unconventional'. I don't understand what it means. a) define b) definition c) undefined 4) People have to ___ their belongins in public places. a) prevent b) prevention c) preventive 5) Monica is a very ___ person. She struggles everytime she has to make a decision. a) decide b) decision c) indecisive 6) My older brother is ___. You can always count on him. a) rely b) reliable c) reliability 7) Frequent meetings ___ the bond between co-workers. a) strong b) strength c) strengthen 8) The number of people imigrating from this town has grown ___. a) significant b) significantly c) significance 9) Your task is to ___ a poster promoting our school. a) create b) creation c) creative 10) My dog is a ___ for me. I can't focus when I learn and he's somewhere around. a) distract b) distracted c) distraction





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