1) When was the Earth first formed? a) About 4000 years ago b) About 4 million years ago c) About 4 billion years ago d) About 400 billion years ago 2) The Earth is made of 4 layers. Which description is correct ? a) The Crust and Mantle are METAL and the Inner Core and Outer Core are ROCK b) The Crust and Mantle are ROCK, the Inner Core is LIQUID METAL, the Outer Core is SOLID METAL c) The Crust and Mantle are ROCK, the Inner Core is SOLID METAL, the Outer Core is LIQUID METAL d) All of the layers are made of ROCK 3) What was ALL the EVIDENCE that made WEGENER say that the continents must have moved around the surface of the Earth? a) JUST the shapes of the continents fitted together b) JUST that the rocks and fossils matched on all continents c) Volcanoes and Earthquakes are evenly spread all over the Earth d) The shapes of the continents fitted AND rocks and fossils matched WHERE the shapes fitted 4) Why did most other scientists not believe Wegener at first? a) They said the shapes didn't match b) They said he couldn't explain HOW the continents could move c) They said the rocks and fossils didn't match d) They said he wasn't enough of an expert scientist 5) Earthquakes and volcanoes are NOT evenly spread over the Earth. This means: a) that the CRUST is broken into separate pieces b) the magma only comes out where there has been an earthquake to crack the surface c) they only happen where the sea is shallow enough d) they only happen where the ground is weak 6) What happens when two plates MOVE APART? a) Earthquakes happen AND old rock is destroyed b) Volcanoes happen AND new rock is made c) New mountains are pushed up d) A huge deep crack appears between the plates 7) One plate sinks and melts in the magma, earthquakes happen and new mountains are pushed up when: a) Plates slide past each other b) Plates move together c) Plates move apart d) Plates don't move 8) What provides the energy for plates to move around? a) They are floating on the oceans b) Conduction of heat from the mantle c) Convection currents in the mantle d) Radiation of heat from the mantle 9) What is the SPEED of CONTINENTAL drift? a) About 200 km per year b) About 20 m per year c) About 2 cm per year d) About 0.002 cm per year 10) What were the three main gases in the EARLY ATMOSPHERE of Earth? a) Oxygen, nitrogen and argon b) Hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour c) Carbon dioxide, water vapour and nitrogen d) Oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen 11) Which best describes how the amounts of gases in the atmosphere have changed since the Earth formed? a) Oxygen UP, Nitrogen UP, CO2 DOWN b) Oxygen DOWN, Nitrogen UP, CO2 UP c) Oxygen DOWN, Nitrogen SAME, CO2 UP d) Oxygen UP, Nitrogen DOWN, CO2 SAME 12) Which of these processes did NOT remove huge amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere ? a) Photosynthesis by plants b) Dissolving in seawater c) Respiration by animals d) Limestone forming from shells and skeletons 13) Which of these is NOT a STORE of CARBON compounds made from CO2 taken out of the air? a) Oil b) Limestone c) Sandstone d) Coal 14) Which of these is NOT a human activity that is INCREASING the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere? a) Car pollution causing ACID RAIN b) Cutting down forests c) Using more RENEWABLE energy sources like wind power d) Burning fossil fuels 15) What do scientists think extra CO2 in the atmosphere will do? a) Make the oceans cool down b) Reflect more of the Sun's heat c) Make plants grow more slowly d) Trap and absorb more of the Sun's heat

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