1) What are the biggest social issues facing your country of origin today? What about New Zealand? 2) Do social issues ever affect rich people, or are they simply poor people’s problems? 3) What social issues were around in the past but have been addressed? 4) Do you think there is more crime and violence today than 50 years ago? Why? Why not? 5) Do you worry about Internet crime? What can you do to keep safe on the Internet? 6) What is freedom of speech? How important is it? Should there be some limits on what we are free to say? 7) Why do you think people become homeless? What can society do to help the homeless? 8) Do you think sexism will always be a part of our society? Which countries do you think have made great progress in addressing sexism? 9) What are the good things and bad things about globalization? How has globalization affected your life? 10) Do you think immigration has more advantages or disadvantages for the host country? 11) What social issues has the Internet created? How is society dealing with these? 12) What is sustainable development? Is sustainable development possible in today’s world? 13) “Multinational global corporations are to blame for most problems in the world today”. Discuss. 14) Does your country of origin provide good social security if you have no job or home? How does it compare with NZ? 15) What alternatives are there to prisons? How can society rehabilitate criminals? 16) Do you agree with critics who say violent video games, TV and movies create more crime? Why/Why not? 17) What are some TV shows about crime and law enforcement?  Do you watch any of these? What do you think of them? 18) How do you feel about climate change? What can be done to try to deal with the effects of climate change? Is this happening? 19) Why is there food poverty today when the world is so rich? How can we improve world food production and distribution? 20) How can you tell fake news from real news? What problems does fake news cause in society? 21) What social issues have arisen for indigenous people like Māori as a result of colonisation? How can these be solved? 22) What are some causes of family violence? What can be done about this?

Social issues - Conversation questions






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