1) Как тебя зовут? a) What's your name b) How your is name? c) What are you name? 2) Она замужем? a) Are she marry? b) Is she married? c) She is married? 3) Откуда они? a) Where they are? b) When are their from? c) Where are they from? 4) Какая у него работа? a) What's his job? b) What he is job? c) How is his job? 5) Сколько лет Джону? a) John is old how? b) How old is John? c) How John is? 6) Где находится Москва? a) Where Moscow is situated? b) Where Moscow is? c) Are Moscow where? 7) Кто её родители? a) What her parents are? b) Who are her parents? c) Who is she parents? 8) Какой у нас этаж? a) What's our floor? b) Who's our floors? c) Are we floor there? 9) Когда её день рождения? a) What time is she day? b) When her birthday is? c) When is her birthday? 10) Как ваши дела? a) How you are? b) How are you? c) Is you how?

questions to be 2






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