1) He _______ gets up early (0%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 2) He _______ helps at home (100%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 3) She _______ exercises (60%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) OFTEN d) ALWAYS 4) He _______ goes fishing (30%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 5) She _______ eats breakfast at 7am. (80%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 6) He _______ uses plastic bags in the market (80%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) OFTEN 7) She _______ plays video games (100%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 8) He _______ watches TV at night. (80%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 9) She _______ eats lunch before school (30%) a) NEVER b) USUALLY c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 10) He _______ goes to bed late (0%) a) NEVER b) OFTEN c) SOMETIMES d) ALWAYS 11) He __________ sorts the garbage ( 100 %) a) NEVER b) SOMETIMES c) OFTEN d) ALWAYS 12) He __________ takes a quick shower (60%) a) ALWAYS b) SOMETIMES c) NEVER d) OFTEN 13) She _________ uses a recycled bag. (80%) a) SOMETIMES b) OFTEN c) ALWAYS d) USUALLY 14) He ___________ throws garabage in the river (0%) a) ALWAYS b) NEVER c) SOMETIMES d) OFTEN 15) She ___________ buys bottled water ( 80%) a) USUALLY b) SOMETIMES c) OFTEN d) ALWAYS 16) He _____donates his old clothes.( 60%) a) SOMETIMES b) NEVER c) OFTEN d) USUALLY

SM3 - ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY - Chris' Escuela de Idiomas





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