1) How does the writer support the argument for in paragraph 2? a)   by giving an example b) by quoting an expert c) by concluding his argument d) by asking a rhetorical question 2) What is the main idea of paragraph 4? a) to introduce the topic b) to explain the arguments for c) to show the writer’s opinion d) to explain the arguments against 3) Which of the following linkers can be used to introduce paragraph 3? a)  Overall b)  As a result c)  In addition d) On the other hand 4) What is the technique used in this statement? Do you think that being addicted to social media is something good or bad? a) Quotation b) Statistics and facts c) Rhetorical question d) Addressing the reader 5) What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 refer to? a) affairs b) teenagers c) advantages 6) Which of the following is considered a topic sentence? a)  Being addicted to social media destroys social skills. b)  Due to the increase in the time spent interacting in the virtual world of social media c)  It affects the face-to-face communication and social skills of teenagers.





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