Continuous Training : Continuous training was highly ineffective because I found it boring., This meant that I stopped working as hard and dropped outside my training zone., This meant that during the end of my football game, I did no have enough energy to perform my role., Fartlek Training : Fartlek Training was highly effective as it has a variety of paces., This meant that I was working hard during training as I felt recovered after the walk., This helped me during a game of basketball as I recovered quicker any time there was a break in the game., Continuous Training 2: Continuous training was effective as I had a training partner., Whenever he/she increased the pace, I would try to keep up with them., This has helped me in a football game as I can now push myself for longer, even when I feel very tired., Interval Training : Interval training was beneficial as it included a long rest., This meant I could walk back between sprints and allow my heart rate to drop and I could recover. , This meant I was able to give my all each time and improve my speed so in a game of Basketball when fast breaking, I could run up court quicker than the defenders and score an easy layup. ,

Evaluating Approaches






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