1) Danna is________ the bus stop. a) in  b) on c) next to 2) The cat is ________ of the tv. a) in b) in front c) at 3) My cat Jerry is ________the dvd player. a) behind b) on c) next to 4) We flew ________ the clouds. a) between b) on c) above 5) Mark had his hands ___________ his pocket. a) inside b) on c) behind 6) Ximena´s cat is _________the two dogs. a) next to b) between c) on 7) The cow is ______________the fence a) behind b) on c) under 8) There is a monster ____________ Mike´s bed. a) above b) on c) under 9) The actress was ______________the theater curtain. a) under b) behind c) on 10) The yarn ball is ____________the two cats. a) above b) between c) under 11) My grandparent sit ____________ of the fireplace. a) next to b) on c) in front 12) Your school supplies are ____________ the backpack. a) inside b) behind c) above 13) The reporter is ____________of the camera. a) behind b) between c) in front 14) The elephant is ___________the chair. a) between b) next to c) behind 15) The books are _________the table. a) next to b) above c) on 16) The fox reads _________ the tree. a) under b) above c) next to

Prepositions: behind, between, in front, next to, on, inside, above, under





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