1) cause to be understood a) get over b) get across c) get on with 2) recover from an illness a) get over b) get by c) get along 3) have a friendly relationship a) get by b) get out off c) get on with 4) manage to live (or deal with a difficult situation) by having just enough of something you need, such as money a) get on b) get by c) get across 5) escape a) get away b) get across c) get along 6) focus on a topic/piece of work a) get out off b) get on with c) get down to 7) leave a car a) get out b) get off c) get out off 8) go inside a bus/train a) get on b) get in c) get into 9) gain revenge / retaliate a) get by b) get back c) get across 10) avoid doing something a) get away b) get out off c) get out of 11) to mean or try to express something a) get at b) get by c) get across





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