1) *fele cantante*, mus caseum cepit. a) As the cat was singing... b) While the cat was singing... c) With the cat singing... d) When the cat was singing... 2) What kind of verb form is cantante (canto, cantare, cantavi = sing)? a) present active participle b) perfect passive participle c) imperative d) infinitive 3) *fenestrā fractā*, mus caseum consumere incepit. a) With the window having been broken... b) After the window had been broken... c) When the window had been broken... 4) What kind of verb form is fractā (frango, frangere, fregi, fractus = break)? a) present active participle b) perfect passive participle c) imperative d) infinitive 5) *mure caseum consumente*, feles picturam pinxit. a) With the mouse consuming the cheese... b) With the cheese having been consumed... c) While the mouse was consuming the cheese... d) After the mouse had consumed the cheese... 6) What kind of verb form is consumente (consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptus = consume)? a) present active participle b) perfect passive participle c) imperative d) infinitive 7) *caseō consumptō*, mus librum legit.  a) With the cheese consuming... b) With the cheese having been consumed... c) While the cheese was consuming... d) After the cheese had been consumed... 8) What kind of verb form is consumptō (consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptus = consume)? a) present active participle b) perfect passive participle c) imperative d) infinitive

Stage 31 ablative absolute cartoon follow-up





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