1) From previous classes, which statement below is FALSE ? a) Jesus named Simon Peter & Cephas, which in Aramaic & Hebrew means “Rock” b) Peter denied Jesus three times, but later became bold in preaching about Jesus c) Peter and Andrew were brothers and both were fishermen d) Andrew and Peter were the first of the main 12 disciples Jesus invited to follow him e) Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross and Peter was crucified upside down f) Andrew and Peter first met Jesus by the Dead Sea 2) Which statement below is TRUE about John? a) John authored five books of the New Testament, which includes one of the Gospels b) John was the last surviving apostle c) John died of natural causes d) John’s brother was called James the Greater e) John took care of Mary of Nazareth after Jesus’ death f) All of the above 3) How was John known for? a) The disciple who cut a soldier’s ear b) The disciple who betrayed Jesus c) The disciple whom “Jesus loved the most” d) The wealthiest disciple e) The disciple who multiplied the five loaves of bread and 2 fishes f) The oldest of the 12 main disciples 4) What was John's occupation? a) Tax collector b) Fisherman c) Carpenter d) Baker e) Pharisee f) Carpet Weaver 5) Which miracle performed by Jesus, didn't John witness? a) The changing Water Into Wine b) Jesus healing the Royal Official's Son c) Jesus healing the paralytic at the pool d) Jesus Feeding over 5,000 with 2 fishes and five loaves of bread e) Jesus walking on the water f) The division of the red sea water to give passage to Jesus’ followers 6) Which statement is FALSE about John? a) He was the son of Zebedee b) Jesus called John and James the Greater “Sons of Thunder” c) He wrote more than one book of the New Testament d) He was the one who needed to see to believe e) He was sent to die in boiling oil but miraculously escaped unscathed f) He was the disciple who spent the most time with Jesus

Trivia Game: Jesus Desciple - John






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