Forte - Loud, Piano - Soft, Mezzo Forte - Moderately Loud, Mezzo Piano - Moderately Soft, Fortissimo - Very Loud, Pianissimo - Very Soft, Crescendo - Gradually get louder, Decrescendo - Gradually get softer, Breath mark - Pause, take a breath, Ritardando - Gradually slow down, Accelerando - Gradually speed up, Fermata - Hold a note, Time Signature - Beats per measure & what note gets one beat, Key Signature - What notes are flat, sharp, or natural, Quarter note - One beat, Half note - Two beats, Whole note - Four beats, Dotted Half note - Three beats, Eighth note - 1/2 a beat, Sixteenth note - 1/4 a beat, Fortepiano - Start the note loud, then immediately play soft, Legato - Smooth and Connected, poco a poco - little by little,

Musical Terms 2





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