U-Boats - German submarines, December 7, 1941 - Attack on Pearl Harbor, censorship - suppression of published material (books, advertisements, broadcasts), conscription - requiring people to enter military service; draft, demilitarization - reduction in a countries military forces and equipment, invasion - attack on a country, newsreels - short, informational films, rationing - a set and limited amount one is allowed to get (ex: one pound of sugar a month), rearmament - to increase military services, reparation - money is given for war damages which the losing countries pay to the winning countries, Albert Einstein - German physicist who created the Manhattan Project to have the US build the first atomic bomb, Allied Powers - an agreement between the US, Great Britain, France, and the USSR (won WWII), atomic bomb - a weapon of mass destruction made from nuclear fission, used to end WWII, Axis Powers - an agreement between Germany, Italy, and Japan; lost WWII, Battle of Iwo Jima - a key battle located on an island off the coast of Japan, Americans won, famous for the flag raising, Battle of Stalingrad - Germans attacked Stalingrad (USSR) but lost because of overconfidence and being underprepared, Benito Mussolini - leader of Italy during WWII, Charles de Gaulle - leader of France during WWII, Douglas macArthur - US General in charge of the Pacific and accepted Japan's surrender in WWII, Dwight D. Eisenhower - US General (Commander) in Europe, Enrico Fermi - a scientist in Italy who worked on the Manhattan Project won the Nobel Prize in Physics, Eva Braun - wife of Hitler, worked for the Nazi Party but never joined them, committed suicide with Hitler, Franklin D. Roosevelt - President of the US during Great Depression and World War II; served 4 terms, died before WWII ended, said that Pearl Harbor will "live in infamy", Harry S. Truman - Became president when FDR died; gave the order to drop the atomic bomb, Hiroshima - the first Japanese city that an atomic bomb was dropped on, Joseph Stalin - leader of the USSR, part of the Allies, leader of the largest Communist country, Manhattan Project - a secret project to create an atomic bomb started by Albert Einstein, Nagasaki - the second Japanese city that an atomic bomb was dropped on. Japan surrendered shortly after this bombing,






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