not fancy - Not be bothered (to+ infinitive) , be likely - Be bound (to+ infinitive) , in the best moment - At its height , then - At that time, from that point - Ever since, from now on - For a long time to come , in the suburbs - On the outskirts , get on well with - Be on good terms with , take into consideration - Bear in mind, be prepared - Brace yourself for, not for everyone - For some… for others, focus on something - Pull yourself together , show its value over a long period - Stand the test of time , as a norm - On average, in the end - As a result, on balance - All in all, let yourself be influenced by the environment - Go with the flow , rather than - Instead of , adapt your viewpoint - Change your mind , in addition to - As well as  , provided that - As long as , I would prefer (to + go/verb+ing) - I´d rather + verb (do) – , every now and again - From time to time , not expect - Take by surprise, take a long time - Take ages , just about to - On/at the point of , deserve the effort - Be worth + ing ,

FCE Key set expressions



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