1) chat a) out b) shopping c) an event d) online 2) go for a) (drama/chess) club b) cinema c) an event d) a burger/pizza 3) go a) shopping b) lunch c) about problems d) cinema 4) go to a a) out b) in the neighbourhood c) online d) (drama/chess) club 5) go to the a) an event b) in the neighbourhood c) cinema d) to music 6) hang a) in a cafe b) secrets c) something new d) out 7) have a) an event b) (drama/chess) club c) something new d) lunch 8) help people a) in the neighbourhood b) cinema c) an event d) to music 9) learn a) shopping b) something new c) selfies d) lunch 10) listen a) online b) secrets c) to music d) something new 11) meet a) something new b) out c) in a cafe d) shopping 12) orginise a) an event b) cinema c) something new d) secrets 13) share a) (drama/chess) club b) selfies c) secrets d) shopping 14) take a) selfies b) secrets c) something new d) about problems 15) talk a) something new b) secrets c) about problems d) an event 16) talk about a) to music b) a burger/pizza c) lunch d) studies 17) try something a) new b) (drama/chess) club c) to music d) in a cafe

TeenSpirit Week 2 DAY 1





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