1. All ____ and ready to go! 2. Dad, I'm ____. Let's have ____. 3. Good ____! 4. ____ we are. 5. ____ up! 6. What do you ____ for lunch? 7. I want ____ hamburger. 8. Henry: What do you want? Dave: I want a ____. 9. I want a hamburger and ____ juice. 10. ____ about you, Boka? 11. I want two hot dogs, three ____, and some ____. 12. No ____ before meals. 13. ____ all food. 14. ____ your plate. 15. Love food! Don't ____ it. 16. Rock: I'm hungry. How about you? Triple: Me, ____. 17. There is a dolphin. There is a ____. 18. Take a ____ with your ____. 19. Show it to mommy back at ____. 20. ____ egg --> three eggs 21. a pencil --> six ____ 22. I like monkeys. They are ____! 23. ____ fun! 24. Amy: Do you like ____? Jello: Yes, I do. 25. Kevin: I like bears. Do you like ____? Boka: No, I don't. They are ____. 26. William: Wow! What's ____? Ursula: It's a ____. 27. Oh, no! ____! 28.Wash your ____. Let's have lunch. Fish and ____. That's ____ lunch. 29. Look! The lions are ____. 30. Look! The monkey is ____ an apple. 1. Jello: What are ____? Amy: They are ____. 2. We wear sachets ____ the Dragon Boat ____. 3. It's a dragon boat ____. 4. It's twelve o'clock. Time to ____ an egg. 5. Boka: What are these? Amy: They are ____ dumplings. 6. One, two, three, four, ____ we go. 7. ____ the boat to the ____. 8. ____ the race.

Wonder World 4: U3-Review 2 Sentences






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