1) ...can be dispersed by water.  a) Pea pods b) Birds c) Coconuts d) Dandelions e) sycamore 2) ...can be dispersed by wind (two correct) a) Pea pods b) Birds c) Coconuts d) Dandelions e) sycamore 3) ...can be dispersed by explosion. a) Pea pods b) Birds c) Coconuts d) Dandelions e) sycamore 4) ... disperse seeds in their fur. a) Pea pods b) Birds c) Coconuts d) Dandelions e) sycamore f) animals 5) ...spread seeds of the fruit in their dropping (poop). a) Pea pods b) Birds c) Coconuts d) Dandelions e) sycamore 6) ... are carried to long distances by the wind. a) Pea pods b) Birds c) Coconuts d) Dandelions

Seed Dispersal






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