1) a picture or color that means something else a) key / legend b) scale c) symbol d) sweet puppies 2) shows how far something is a) key / legend b) compass rose c) baby ducks d) scale 3) tells what the symbols mean a) compass rose b) key / legend c) scale d) cute bunnies 4) shows the direction (N, S, E, W) a) scale b) tiny monkeys c) symbol d) compass rose 5) the name of the map a) title  b) compass rose c) adorable kittens d) symbol 6) a picture or drawing of a place  a) key / legend b) scale c) baby goats d) map 7) Which state borders the Pacific Ocean? a) Oregon b) Missouri c) Florida d) tiny sheep 8) What ocean borders the United States on the east coast? a) Pacific Ocean b) Gorilla Ocean c) Arctic Ocean d) Atlantic Ocean 9) Which two states are not attached to the rest of the United States? a) California and Nevada b) Utah and Arizona c) Alaska and Hawaii d) Hawaii and Arizona 10) What continent do we live on? a) United States of America b) North America c) Texas d) South America 11) What three countries are part of North America? a) United States, Alaska, and Hawaii b) United States, Canada, and Mexico c) Israel, United States, and Canada d) Texas, Austin, and San Antonio






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