Software - a program/an application consist of a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks., Data - raw material from which information is generated, determining which data to enter into the database and how to organize that data is a vital part of the database designer's job., Procedure - instructions and rules that govern the design and use of the database system., People - system administrators, database administrators, database designers, system analysts and programmers, and end users., Hardware - system's physical devices, including computers, storage devices, printers, network devices, and other devices, file processing system - description : each department or area within an organization has its own set of files, relatively larger amount of data - how much data can be stored for database system, privacy,data security and sharing of data - advantages of database, huge size,more costly and high complexity - disadvantage of database, they have redundant data and they isolate data - Many of these systems,have two major weaknesses, Database - usually controlled by a (DBMS), Database Management System - software system who that allows users to define, create, maintain, and control access to the database, MS Access and LibreOffice Base - example of DBMS, hardware, software, people, procedure, and data - components of Database Environment, Database System - designed to to hold much larger collections of organized information-massive amounts, sometimes,







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