Though social media ____ us to communicate with other people, it ____ also change how we see ourselves. Some argue that social media makes us compare ourselves more to other ____ because we oſten just post the highlights of our lives. This makes us feel anxious about what other people think of us and can make people depressed. When we see the lives of celebrities and profiles of companies, many people forget that it is carefully created and ____ real. Both the companies and people use social media to create an ____ and a version of themselves. Like these people, even most normal people only show the interesting parts of their lives. Selfies are rarely the first ____ someone took. People take ____ until they get the right photo that gets the attention and comments they want. Equally, social media is now oſten ____ a popularity contest. From how many people ____ us to how many “likes” we ____, it can have a big effect on how we feel about ourselves. People oſten feel ____ about how many “likes” they get on a picture or comment. Many people feel hurt if people don’t like their ____ or posts.

Social Media (c)






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