People ____ oſten so worried about displaying their life in a way that makes them look ____ that they spend less time actually doing ____ activities with other people. This is connected to our human need to feel part of a group. ____, many connections and friendships online are ____ real friendships. Of course, many people do have ____ friends online, but at the same time we can have many false ____ just to make ourselves feel more popular. Social media also makes us want everything now. The idea of ____ something immediately is ____ to another basic human need for food, water, and shelter. However, this need means we now want the latest phone, tablet, or car straight away. Social media ____ this feeling. We can ____ videos, photos, and updates and get quick feedback from our ____. We reply almost immediately to e-mails and ____. There are many ____ where certain things in life are better. We no longer have to ____ letters and wait days or weeks for a reply. Smartphones mean we don’t need to wait for a cab or ____ table at a restaurant. Movies and TV play immediately.

Social Media (d)






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