1) There are ... tomatoes. a) some b) any 2) Are there ... oranges? a) some b) any 3) There is ... bread. a) some b) any 4) Is there ... milk? a) some b) any 5) There are ... carrots on the table. a) some b) any 6) There isn't ... chocolate in the box. a) some b) any 7) There aren't ... bananas in the cupboard. a) some b) any 8) Is there ... cola in the fridge? a) some b) any 9) There isn't ... sugar in the bowl. a) some b) any 10) Are there ... eggs on the table? a) some b) any 11) There is ... cola in the bottle. a) some b) any 12) Are there ... chairs in the room? a) some b) any 13) There aren't ... books on the shelf. a) some b) any 14) Is there ... meat in the shop? a) some b) any

1 There is / are ... (some/ any)





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