1) a description of possible events; a situation (noun) a) a scenr b) a scenario c) a scenery 2) a person who likes to do things without other people a) a loner b) an aloner c) a lonely 3) a regular and repeated activity with special meaning a) a virtual b) a rite c) a ritual 4) a way to express and let out emotions, creativity, or energy  a) a letout b) an outfit c) an outlet 5) become more interested in other people and more willing to talk and take part in social activities  a) to come out of your hole b) to come out of your house c) to come out of your shell 6) help someone become part of a group or system (verb) a) to integrate someone into b) to integrate someone at c) to integrate someone to 7) further than a particular point; including other things  a) beside b) behave c) beyond 8) flat surface for mixing paint colours , a collection of complementary colours a) a pallet b) a palette c) pellet 9) involving everyone and not excluding any group or individual  a) inclusive b) including c) include 10) moving from one situation to another  a) a transition b) a transit c) a transitness 11) receiving help from people in the same situation or from the same background  a) peer-supported b) support-peered c) peer-supportable 12) regular life outside the military environment  a) civilian road b) civilian way c) civilian street 13) valuable resource or strategy to achieve a particular goal  a) a tool in the garage b) a tool in the cupboard c) a tool in the armoury 14) weighing potential negative and positive outcomes  a) benefit-risk b) risk-benefit c) risking to benefit 15) giving your attention to one thing, here to relax  a) meditative b) meditational c) meditable

Vocabulary accuracy - doctors prescribing social activities






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