1) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the word "span". a) The river was so wide that they built a strong bridge to span the gap, helping people cross easily. b) The movie's exciting plot spanned many scenes, showing the characters' adventures from beginning to end. c) I ate a delicious sandwich that had a span of peanut butter and jelly, savoring the tasty flavors. 2) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the word "occasionally". a) I always do my homework occasionally, making sure to finish it on time. b) I don't play video games every day; instead, I play them occasionally when I have free time. c) On our family road trips, we occasionally stop at interesting landmarks to take pictures and stretch our legs. 3) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the word "intrigue". a) The science experiment was so intriguing, with colorful reactions and surprising results that kept us excited and curious. b) The mysterious treasure map was full of intrigue, and we couldn't wait to follow the clues to find the hidden prize. c) The teacher's intriguing was filled with interesting books and puzzles for us to explore. 4) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the phrase "the elements". a) The hikers were well-prepared for their mountain adventure, considering the elements such as rain, snow, and cold temperatures. b) The elements of the playground were so much fun, with swings, slides, and a sandbox for everyone to enjoy. c) We decided to have a picnic, but we checked the weather forecast to make sure we wouldn't be caught in the elements. 5) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the word "waterfront". a) We visited the waterfront to buy fresh vegetables, enjoying the colorful stalls and lively atmosphere. b) Our family rented a cozy cabin on the waterfront, so we could enjoy the beautiful view of the lake right from our doorstep. c) The park by the waterfront is a fantastic place to have a picnic and watch the boats go by on the river. 6) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the word "capture". a) The photographer wanted to capture the beauty of the sunset, so he took a picture to remember the colorful sky. b) During the game of tag, my friend tried to capture me by running fast and reaching out to touch my shoulder. c) I wanted to capture my favorite TV show, but I had to do homework and I missed it. 7) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the word "captivate". a) The magician's tricks were so amazing that they captivated the entire audience, leaving us in awe b) The adventure book had an exciting story that captivated my attention, and I couldn't put it down until I finished it. c) I wanted to captivate my friend, so I played a game of chess with him, hoping to impress him with my skills. 8) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the phrase "born and bred". a) My grandpa was born and bred in the small town where I live, and he knows all the best places to visit. b) The famous singer was born and bred in the city, and she often talks about how the urban environment influenced her music. c) I was born and bred with a love for ice cream, enjoying it every day after school. 9) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the phrase "cultural capital". a) Magda loves reading and she has become a cultural capital about European history. b) New York is considered the cultural capital of the USA due to its diverse culture c) Which city should be nominated as the cultural capital of Asia? 10) Find the sentence that INCORRECTLY uses the word "have something on me/you/etc". a) Sorry, I don't have any cash on me. b) Even though I have my hat on me, I'm cold. c) Do you have any gum on you?

Lessons 1-2






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