mediocre - average, not very good, ethics and values - your beliefs about what is right or wrong, disciplined - behaving in a very controlled way, power distance - a term to refer to the relationship between people in power and people who take orders, bribes - money you offer in a dishonest way, behaviour - your actions in particulat situations, norms - the accepted way of doing things in a society or culture, save face - to avoid humiliation or not being told you are wrong in front of other people, install - to load something on your computer, trick - to fool, to cheat, browse - to look at the web, secure - to protect, steal - to take illegally, redirect - to send your browser to another server, adapt - to change your approach, get into your computer - to infect your computer, characteristic - personal quality, tendency - always behaving in a particular way, grit - courage and bravery, risk - situation where you face danger, equity - share of a business, debt - amount borrowed and owed, grant - finance given (e.g. by the goverment) to a business that does not have to be repaid, crowdfunding - finance raised by a large numbers of people via website, loan - money that has to be repaid, lone - on your own, venture capitalist - firms that invest other people's money in new businesses, angel investor - individual people who invest their own money in business, inspiration - sudden brilliant new idea, perspiration - swaet caused by heat, exercise, or hard work,

Business English word test






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