1) What might be an effective purpose of using silence during a confrontational conversation? a) Reflecting and considering options b) Avoiding confrontation c) Displaying confidence 2) What might be a sign of hidden intentions in someone's speech? a) Excessive use of gestures b) Clear and concise language c) Frequent pauses and hesitation 3) What is your body's natural response to danger? a) Goosebumps b) Yawning c) Blinking rapidly 4) What is a common sign of deception during communication? a) Maintaining consistent eye contact b) Frequent changes in facial expression c) Speaking slowly and clearly 5) Is it ethical to profile potential threats based on behaviour? Why or why not? a) Yes, it can provide valuable information for self-defense b) No, profiling can lead to unfair assumptions and discrimination 6) Women are often attacked at extremely close range, and/or forced to the ground by men. So, what matters more in women's self defence? a) Striking b) Grappling 7) Some people think that sparring is not essential for self defence. The argument is that real self defence in the streets is nothing like a sparring match, it's uncontrolled, no rules, with weapons, multiple assailants and often by surprise. What do you think? QUICK Answer. a) Yes, Sparring is not necessary to be effective at self defence. b) No, sparring is essential for good self defence training. 8) What is a key benefit of visualisation and mental rehearsal in self-defence training? a) It reduces the need for physical strength in a confrontation. b) It increases your ability to react instinctively in a crisis. c) It allows you to accurately predict an attacker's next move. d) It helps you establish legal boundaries. 9) What term is used to describe the psychological state in which a person is more likely to act aggressively due to heightened emotions and arousal? a) Hyper awareness b) Fight reflex c) State of readiness d) Emotional escalation 10) Which behaviour is a common indicator that an attacker may be preparing to strike? a) Relaxed posture and steady breathing b) Pacing and/or fidgeting c) Maintaining eye contact and smiling d) Avoiding direct communication 11) In many self-defence situations, what is the key factor determining whether the force used is reasonable and justifiable? a) The age of the attacker b) The size of the defender c) The level of threat perceived by the defender d) The defender's martial arts skill level 12) In self defence, what is the primary focus of "target hardening"? a) Toughening your own physical resilience b) Strengthening emotional resolve c) Making potential targets less attractive to attackers d) Enhancing your striking technique 13) Which type of breathing is recommended during a high-stress self defence situation? a) Shallow and rapid b) Irregular and unpredictable c) Deep and controlled d) Holding breath for maximum power 14) What would be more scary to defend against? a) Gun b) Knife c) Both/Either. Depends on your experience. 15) How can the "bystander effect" impact your safety in a public setting? a) It encourages bystanders to intervene and assist you. b) It can lead to diffusion of responsibility among bystanders. c) It ensures that everyone will help you in a dangerous situation. d) It makes bystanders more likely to follow your lead in self-defence. 16) What is a common "red flag" indicating a potential threat in your environment? a) Someone walking towards you confidently. b) Maintaining eye contact briefly. c) Someone ignoring your presence. d) Excessive sweating and trembling. 17) Which of the following is not a basic self defence tip? a) Be aware of your surroundings b) Listen to strangers who offer help c) Trust your instincts d) Keep a safe distance from potential threats 18) What is the best way to defend against a knife attack? a) Try to disarm the attacker by grabbing the knife hand. b) Use a weapon of your own, if available. c) Create distance and run away as fast as possible. d) Pretend to faint to catch the attacker off guard. 19) Which aspect of psychological training do you think is most important for street fighters? a) Mental resilience and the ability to stay calm under pressure b) Emotional intelligence and reading opponent's intentions. c) Visualising potential scenarios to prepare for situations. 20) How do you de-escalate a potentially violent confrontation? a) Maintain eye contact to intimidate the attacker. b) Yell loudly to assert dominance. c) Stay calm and speak confidently. d) Make sarcastic remarks to disarm the attacker.

Fight Science - Self Defence Quiz






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