Once there was a man who had five sons. Instead of living together calmly quietly, these sons were always ____ among themselves. Their father ____ of their constant quarrelling. He made up his mind to show them ____ silly they were. He picked five sticks ____ the same length, ____ the woodpile. then he tied them together ____ a bundle. When this ____ , he called his five sons to him. At first they did not hear him ____ they were too busy arguing, but ____ they came. "Listen to me!" ____ their father. "Take this bundle of sticks and ____ it over your knee." "I can do that ____," said the eldest son. He took the bundle of sticks and pulled it ____ his knee with all his force. ____ how hard he tried, he could not break the five sticks in the bundle. "It can't ____," he growled at last. "Of course it can," shouted his brothers. They all began arguing as to which of them ____ the one to break the bundle. In the end, they all tried in turn. ____ their knees became sore, the bundle of sticks ____ unbroken. "Now let me ____ you how it can be done," said their father . He took the bundle of sticks from the others and ____ the rope which held them together. then he ____ one stick to each of his five sons. "Now, each of you break the stick in your hands, " he ordered. The sons did as they ____. Each stick cracked easily, like pieces of matchwood. "What do you make of that?" their father asked them. His sons looked puzzled. They ____ their shoulders and made no answer. Their father sighed ____. "Don't you see?" he explained ____. "When a man stands alone, he can ____ as easily as one of those sticks. But when a man stands united with others nothing can break him." Only then did his sons ____ what their father had been trying to tell them, and they were all ashamed of ____. And the moral of the story is: United we stand, divided we ____.

A man and his sons






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