Constitution - The fundamental rules and principles that govern a country. In the UK, it is an unwritten constitution, comprising statutes, common law, and conventions., Parliament - The supreme legislative body in the UK, consisting of two houses – the House of Commons and the House of Lords., Prime Minister - The head of the UK government, typically the leader of the political party with the most seats in the House of Commons., Cabinet - A group of senior government ministers chosen by the Prime Minister, responsible for making key policy decisions., House of Commons - The lower house of the UK Parliament, where Members of Parliament (MPs) are elected to represent constituencies., House of Lords - The upper house of the UK Parliament, comprising appointed life peers, bishops, and hereditary peers., Monarchy - A system of government where a single person, the monarch, serves as the head of state. In the UK, it is a constitutional monarchy., Devolution - The process of transferring powers from the UK Parliament to regional governments, such as the Scottish Parliament, the Senedd (Welsh Parliament), and the Northern Ireland Assembly., General Election - A nationwide election in the UK to choose Members of Parliament for the House of Commons., Political Parties - Organizations with specific ideologies and policies that compete for power in elections., Referendum - A public vote on a specific issue, where citizens can express their opinion on a particular policy or decision., Constituency - An electoral division within the country, represented by a Member of Parliament (MP)., Speaker of the House of Commons - An impartial figure elected by MPs to preside over debates in the House of Commons., Backbenchers - MPs who do not hold ministerial or shadow ministerial positions and sit behind the front benches in the House of Commons., Whip - Party officials who ensure party discipline and attendance during votes., First Past the Post (FPTP) - The electoral system used in UK general elections, where candidates with the most votes in each constituency win., Shadow Cabinet - Members of the opposition party who mirror the roles of the government's Cabinet ministers., Judiciary - The system of courts and judges responsible for interpreting and applying the law., Lobbying - The act of attempting to influence decisions made by government officials, often by interest groups or individuals., European Union (EU) - Though the UK has left the EU, understanding its historical role in British politics and its impact on policies is crucial for context.,

British Politics






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