Would you cancel my hotel reservation for me? - Ask someone to do something, Do you mind if I make a change to my booking? - Ask to be allowed to do something, Shall I arrange for a taxi to pick us up from the airport? - Offer to do something, I would be grateful if you could send the invoice directly to me. - Ask someone to do something, Can you organise my transfers please? - Ask someone to do something, May I amend my hotel arrangements? - Ask to be allowed to do something, Let me meet you at the airport. - Offer to do something, Would you mind calling the center to confirm our meeting? - Ask someone to do something, I could meet you at the station if you like. - Offer to do something, Would it be possible to change the time of my flight? - Ask to be allowed to do something,

Offers, permission, and request


แฟลชการ์ด เป็นแม่แบบแบบเปิดที่ไม่ได้สร้างคะแนนสำหรับลีดเดอร์บอร์ด




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