1) Piano means a) Loud b) Soft c) Very soft d) Very loud 2) Forte means a) Very loud b) Very soft c) Loud d) Soft 3) Mezzo piano means a) Very soft b) Medium loud c) Soft d) Medium soft 4) Crescendo means a) Loud b) Getting quieter c) Getting louder d) Medium loud 5) Allegro means a) Getting louder b) Getting softer c) Medium loud d) None of these 6) mp is the symbol for... a) medium loud b) medium soft c) very loud d) very soft 7) Fortissimo means a) Medium loud b) Loud c) Very loud d) Getting louder 8) Decrescendo means a) Getting softer b) Getting slower c) Getting quicker d) Getting louder 9) Which image tells you to 'get gradually louder'? a) b) c) d) 10) Which image tells you to play very softly? a) b) c) d)





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