affluent - rich, wealthy, hideous - extremely ugly or bad, deprived - lacking something that is needed to live the way most people live, grand - impressive and large or important, high-rise - a tall modern building with many floors, residential - this kind of area has only private houses, not offices and factories, rough - dangerous or violent, run-down - in very bad condition, up-and-coming - making good progress and likely to become successful, to knock down - to destroy, break down, demolish, to renovate - to repair smth old and make it look new again, to house - to provide space for, to contain, to date back - time when smth started or was built, to dominate - to be bigger or more important than other things, to steer clear - to avoid, to soar - when prices increase quickly by a large amount,

Outcomes Up-Int Unit 2 areas/buildings





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