Power: A Radical View - What is the name of Steven Lukes’s book on power?, Increase in tuition fees - What issue caused thousands of students to lobby the UK coalition government?, Conservatives & Liberal Democrats - What two political parties were in government in the UK from 2010-15?, Due to legal challenges from alcohol producers - Why was the Scottish Government’s minimum price on alcohol law delayed?, It is concerned with transparency - Why is legitimacy crucial to the open face (decision making) of power?, You can attend committee hearings / You can watch live debates in the UK Parliament from the public gallery / You can watch both live debates and committee hearings on Parliament TV - Give one examples which shows how the open face (decision making) is transparent., At cabinet meetings as they set the agenda - In what context do prime ministers use the non-decision making face each week?, The issue of devolution for Scotland - What issue did the Conservative government of 1979-1997 leave off of the political agenda?, A referendum on Scottish Independence - What issue did the 1997-2010 Labour government leave off of the political agenda?, Manifestos - What do political parties use to inform voters of what their political agenda will be once in government?, Tradition of majority governments - Why do most UK governments and prime ministers have the ability to set the UK political agenda for 5 years?, 2003 - In what year did the Blair Government invade Iraq?, They claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) - What reason did the Blair Government give for invading Iraq?, They convince people that decisions which are made are in the public’s interest when they only benefit those in power - How do politicians manipulate the desires of the public?, To trick people into thinking decision are fair right so they accept them - Why is it important to create the illusion of legitimacy in the last face of power, manipulating desires?,

Power, Authority, Legitimacy (Lukes)






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