Strengths: Enough devices for everyone to use one. , Reliable, high speed internet. , Devices functioning and up to date. , Secure trolleys for device storage. , High level of integration across the school. , Weaknesses: People not always caring for devices. , Not everyone has high level digital literacy skills. , Low value use of digital tech e.g. YouTube or SoundCloud. , Not all families able to connect to the school. , Low compliance with policies and rules (some people). , Opportunities: Improving how we use digital technology for teaching and learning., People have different skills and knowledge to share. , Improving the use of dig tech for assessment and reporting. , Higher levels of engagement and interaction. , Rewards and entertainment e.g. gaming, movies. , Threats: Inappropriate use of devices or hardware. , Damage to devices caused by people. , Cyber bullying. , Inappropriate use of software, platforms or programmes. , Increasing costs of maintaining assets. ,

Digital Tech SWOT Analysis





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