Medieval Painting: Mostly painted religious figures, Painting usually done onto wood or walls when the plaster was wet- this was called fresco, Paint was made with egg yolks which meant it dried quickly and couldn't be fixed, There was no real depth., Images appeared two-dimensional , People did not look real. Their bodies were not proportioned , Renaissance Painting: Still used some religious figures but also incorporated Greek and Roman mythology , Paintings were done on canvas , Paint was mixed with oil. This meant it dried more slowly so could be edited and more variety of colours , They used sfumato- meaning smoky- it involved blurring or smudging lines to create a smoky effect, Use of perspective which created depth in paintings , Paintings looked more three-dimensional , Study of anatomy meant artists made people look 'real' , Use of realism- settings and people were recognisable to people,

Renaissance Changes in Art






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