1) Who is the king when the play starts? a) Duncan b) Macduff c) Malcolm d) Cawdor 2) Who does Macbeth defeat in battle? a) Duncan's armies? b) King Edward's English army c) The armies of Norway and Ireland d) Banquo 3) Which theme does NOT appear on Macbeth? a) Fate vs Free will b) Gender c) The Supernatural d) Ambition and Power 4) Which is the witches' prophecy? a) Macbeth will be king and his sons will inherit the throne  b) Macbeth will be king but Banquo will murder him c) Banquo will be king, but Macbeth will be much happier d) Macbeth will be king and Banquo's kids will be kings. 5) Who is made heir to Duncan's throne? a) Macbeth b) Macduff c) Malcolm d) Donalbain e) Banquo 6) The statement "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" is a ... a) Metaphor b) Paradox c) Simile d) Contradiction 7) How does Lady Macbeth intimidate her husband in her speech to him? a) She says she will kill him if he doesn't go through with the plan b) She says he is a liar if he doesn't go through with it c) She says that she is more of a man than he is because she would kill her own child if she swore to do it d) She says she will divorce him and disclose his plans to the King 8) Who says, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly." a) Macbeth b) King Duncan c) Lady Macbeth d) Banquo 9) What tragic flaw does Macbeth portray in ACT 1 a) Love b) Murder c) Loyalty d) Ambition 10) What is the main theme of the play Macbeth? a) Murder and ambition b) Tragic love c) Good is bad and bad is good d) Things aren't what they seem 11) What is a soliloquy? a) When a character speaks so that other characters can't hear them b) When a character is alone on stage and speaks their innermost thoughts c) When two characters' discussion alludes to the theme of the play d) When a character sings a solo on stage 12) Who said, "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir." a) Malcolm b) Macbeth c) King Duncan d) Banquo 13) What is Inverness? a) The place of battle in Scotland b) The town where Shakespeare was born c) King Duncan's castle d) Macbeth's castle 14) In Act 1 Scene 7 what is the conflict between Macbeth and his wife? a) How they are going to kill Duncan b) When they are going to kill Duncan c) Whether they should kill Duncan d) What they are going to kill Duncan with 15) Who does Duncan name as Prince of Cumberland? a) Ross b) Macbeth c) Malcolm d) Donalbain 16) After Lady Macbeth reads the letter from her husband, what does she tell us is her opinion of Macbeth? a) She plans to convince Macbeth to allow Banquo to be king because she thinks he would be a better monarch. b) She thinks he has ambition, but is too nice to use the fastest means to obtain power. c) She does't think he would be a good king, but as his wife, she will support him d) She vows to use any means necessary to stop Macbeth from becoming king. 17) "Fair is foul and foul is fair." "Look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under't." "False face must hide what the false heart doth show." What is the reoccurring motif demonstrated by these three lines? a) Life contains obstacles and hardships. b) There are no good deeds -- every one is eventually punished. c) On the surface, what seems good is actually deceptive. d) True power comes from fate. 18) What happens to the Thane of Cawdor? Why? a) He is rewarded for his bravery in the battle and promoted b) He is executed for being a traitor c) King Duncan takes his land away for being unfaithful d) He is banished from Scotland 19) What arguments do Lady Macbeth use to convince Macbeth to commit the murder? a) She questions his manliness, saying he is a coward for not wanting to go through it, and says he would be more of a man if he did the deed. b) She claims that the people of Scotland will love Macbeth more than they love Duncan, so it is for the good of the country. c) She tells him that they have to go through with it now that they have thought about it because they have committed treason by even discussing it. d) When they were first married, he promised to always make her happy, and right now the only thing that will make her happy is murdering the king. 20) Choose the character who delivers this line: "So foul and fair a day I have not seen." a) Banquo b) Macbeth c) Lady Macbeth d) King Duncan 21) Choose the character who delivers this line: "Look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under't." a) The narrator b) Macbeth  c) Lady Macbeth d) The witches





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