1) ... Aubrey works hard, she isn't very productive. a) Despite b) Because c) In spite of d) So that e) Since f) Although 2) My friends are thinking of moving to Canada ... they can't find decent jobs in Britain. a) in spite of b) so that c) since d) although e) so as f) despite 3) After school Mia spend a year abroad ... learn a couple of languages. a) so as b) despite c) so that d) in order to e) in spite of f) although 4) Matt's parents paid all his expenses ... he didn't need to take part-time jobs. a) in order b) so that c) despite d) because e) although f) in spite of 5) ... it's a simple camera, it's very expensive. a) For b) Since c) However d) Although e) Despite f) So that 6) ... Josh is well qualified, he refuses to accept poor conditions. a) Since b) In order c) For d) Despite e) Although f) So that 7) Brian's work is greatly appreciated ... he's quite young. a) since b) although c) in spite d) because of e) however f) in case 8) ... to avoid any problems please install the anti-virus program. a) So that b) Since c) Although d) Despite e) In case f) In order 9) Sean is going to take a map ... he won't get lost. a) although b) despite c) because d) in spite e) so that f) for 10) The scientists did the experiment ... test the new drug. a) so that b) because c) despite d) so as to e) in order f) although

Conjunctions 18





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