When I (1) think about the past ____, one of the happiest periods of my life was between the ages of 5 and 11 when we lived on a tiny island. There were about six children on the island and we were taught by our parents. We spent a lot of time playing on the beach and in the fields as our parents thought that was a good way to (2) learn____ about life. They (3) told us about ____ any activities that were really dangerous but most of the time we (4) weren’t punished for____ doing all kinds of naughty things and we had to (5) solve____ any problems or arguments ourselves. Of course, we all preferred being outside to studying and (6) delayed____ doing our homework as long as we could. Despite this, we (7) succeeded in ____ our exams and it all (8) ended____ well as most of us have good jobs now, but none of us still lives on the island.

Complete B2 U5 - Phrasal Verbs





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