1) Which of the following gas diffuses fastest? a) Hydrojen b) Chlorine c) Fluorine d) Helium 2) The vapour pressure of a liquid entries which the: a) Increase of pressure b) Increase of temperature  c) Increase of Intermolecular forces d) Increase the polarities 3) The freezing point depend upon: a) nature of liquid b) pressure c) tempreture d) volume 4) One atmospheric pressure is equal to: a) 10325 pascal b) 106075 pascal c) 10523 pascal d) 101325 pascal 5) which of the following have a sharp melting point in solids? a) Plastic b) Rubber c) Glass  d) Diamond 6) The liquid molecules leave the surface of the liquid in the evaporation process because: a) Energy is low b) Energy is moderated c) Energy is high d) None of these 7) The density of gases increases wen its: a) Pressure increased b) Temperature increased c) Volume increased d) None of these 8) It can easily be compresses and expanded: a) Liquid b) Gas c) Solid d) Plasma 9) The different physical states of mater are due to: a) Arrangement of molecules b) Intermolecular forces c) Both "a" & :b" d) None of them 10) Spontaneous mixing of molecules by random motion and collision to form a homogenous: a) Diffusion b) Effusion c) Mobility d) Compressibility 11) It is the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to one of low: a) Diffusion b) Effusion c) Mobility d) Compressibility 12) The rate of diffusion does not depend upon: a) Temperature b) Viscosity of the medium c) Volume d) The size & mass of the particles 13) It is escaping of gas molecules through a tiny hole into space with lesser pressure: a) Diffusion b) Effusion c) Mobility d) Compressibility 14) Effusion depend upon: a) Molecular masses of gases b) viscosity of the medium c) The size and mass of the partices d) Temperature 15) Mathematical representation of Boyle's law is a) P/v=K b) PV=K c) V/T=K d) VT=K 16) Mathematical representation of Charles's Law is: a) P/V=K b) PV=K c) V/T=k d) VT=K 17) The boiling point of liquid depend on the: a) Temperature of Celsius b) Temperature in kelvin c) External atmospheric pressure d) Volume of the liquid 18) The process in which molecules escape from the surface of a liquid is called: a) Effusion b) Evaporation c) Boiling d) Melting 19) The boiling point is directly proportional to: a) Temperature b) Density c) Atmospheric pressure d) Volume 20) Diamond and graphite are the allotropic form of: a) Sodium b) Gold c) Sulpher d) Carbon

Chapter.5. The Physical states of matter






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