1) Do you think there’s life on other planets? 2) Do you own a telescope? If so, what do you look at in the sky? If not, would you like to? 3) Would you like to visit another planet? Why / Why not? 4) There is a widespread urban myth that the famous Apollo moon landing shots were filmed in Hollywood by Stanley Kubrick. Why do you think this myth is so popular? 5) Do you know how planets are formed? If so, can you explain to the others in the group. If no-one knows, look it up. You might be asked by your teacher later. 6) What fictional planets do you know of from books and movies? 7) Nowadays space tourism is just starting up. How would you feel if you won a trip to the international space station? 8) Can you name all the planets in our solar system? Which one is a dwarf planet? 9) According to astrology, the constellation of stars in the sky when you are born is your ‘star sign’. Some people think a person’s star sign tells us about their character. What do you think? 10) Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, said it’s important that humans colonize other planets. Do you think we will be a multi-planetary species in the future? 11) Should we try to make contact with aliens or is it too dangerous? 12) What characteristics make a good astronaut? 13) What is your favourite space movie or TV show? How realistic is it? 14) Will humans ever travel to different solar systems? Why / Why not? 15) How does the moon affect the Earth? 16) What challenges do scientists face when exploring space? Be sure your group has a list ready to feedback to the class later. 17) Have you ever seen a solar or lunar eclipse? 18) Have you ever seen a shooting star? If yes, when and where? Did you make a wish? 19) As a group, decide on six different characteristics that would be crucial for an astronaut to have? 20) Why is space travel so expensive? As a group, make a list of four reasons. 21) What do satellites do? How would our lives be different without them? 22) What small personal item would you take with you on a journey into space? 23) In the past, ocean explorers sailed to unknown places. How is space exploration similar? How is it different? 24) Why do humans explore? Why do some of us want to go to new places? Why not just stay home?

Space - B1 and up





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