1) ____ colour are your eyes ?/ Ce culoare au ochii tăi? a) where b) who c) what 2) ____ are my keys ?/ Unde sunt cheile mele? a) what b) where c) when 3) ____ do you visit your family ?/ Când iţi vizitezi familia? a) when b) where c) which 4) ____ is the king of Spain ?/ Cine este regele Spaniei? a) who b) when c) which 5) ____ old is your sister ?/Câţi ani are sora ta? a) when b) how c) where 6) ____ did you leave the party so early ?/De ce ai plecat atât de devreme de la petrecere? a) why b) when c) where 7) ____ one did you get? /Pe care ai luat-o? a) who b) which c) where 8) ____ apples are there?/ Câte mere sunt? a) How much b) How long c) How many d) How often 9) ____ are you angry with me today ?/ De ce eşti supărat pe mine azi? a) when b) why c) where 10) ____ is that woman over there ?/ Cine este femeia de acolo? a) who b) how c) why 11) ____ are you going now ?/ Unde te duci acum? a) where b) who c) when 12) ____ is the bathroom ?/ Unde este baia? a) when b) where c) why 13) ____ one do you prefer?/ Pe care o preferi? a) where b) which c) who 14) ____ are you going to come back ?/ Când o să te intorci? a) Where b) How c) When

Wh questions - practice






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