Where do the guidelines for human blood and body fluids come from? - Universal Precautions , What is the pH level of balancing shampoo? - 5.5-7.0, What covers the matrix?  - Eponychium , When should you use gloves for cleaning implements? - When disinfecting implements , What do you apply to protect the scalp and the skin from possible burns when using a hair relaxer? - A base cream , What is given to check for allergic reaction to a product prior to a chemical service? - A patch test, What disinfectants are required to be used in the salon? - Bactericidal, Virucidal, Tuberculocidal and Fungicidal , What is the position of Free Hand Stroke? - Face to a client and stroke down toward yourself , across the grain  , If a person is taking Accutane, what hair removal services CAN you perform? - Tweezing , What do you use to wash your hand with? - Liquid soap , How many times is the face lathered during face shave? - Twice , What is an example of a sanitizer? - Soap , When disinfecting a station, what disinfectant should be used? - An EPA registered disinfectant , What hair is more prone to ingrown hair? - Curly hair, What is the pH level of most of the acid waves found in salons today? - 7.8-8.2, How is the skin held for tweezing or waxing? - Taut(Stretched or pulled tight) , What is the purpose of oiling the edge of a razor? - Not pulling the hair/ smoother cut , Where do bacteria grow best? - Damp, Dark, Dirty places , What is the pH of healthy hair? - 4.5-5.5, What process can break salt bonds? - Change of pH, What process can break disulfide bonds? - Chemical Process(Relaxer/perms/color/lighteners), What breaks Hydrogen Bonds? - Water and Heat, What is Lye Relaxer? - Base Relaxer/Sodium Hydroxide relaxers , What disease can cause the swelling of skin surrounding a nail? - Paronychia , What is the most common way to clean up your eyebrows? - Tweezing , What do you use to product the hairline and ears from a relaxer? - Protective Cream , How do you get back to your natural hair color after overly lightened? - Color Filler( Re-pigmentation) , What is the best way to rinse out a relaxer? - Warm Water , When performing scissor over comb, where do you stand? - In the front of scissors and comb, What system regulates blood and delivers nutrients to the body? - Circulatory System , When do you refuse a shaving service? - If tinea is present , Which haircolor is with large molecules sit on the hair's cuticle? - Temporary , What chemical ingredient that was prohibited by FDA? - MMA(Methyl Methacrylate Monomer) , Why do we use ventilated tables when performing a manicure? - To prevent clients from inhaling nail residue , What's the name of the perm technique that involves 2 perm rods in very long hair?  - Piggy back or double-tool wrap , Why do we control the direction of the air flow when blow-drying? - To avoid burning clients scalp , What should we avoid when shaving? - Close shave(Shaving against the grain of hair during the second time over) , After performing a relaxer, which type of color is recommended to be applied? - Ammonia free, What information does SDS contain? - The ingredients of cosmetics , how they are used and emergency precautions , If a nail falls , how long does it take to grow back? - 6 months-fingernails, /18 months toenails , How do you disinfect a single use item? - You don't, you discard it , What is the most effective method of decontamination? - Sterilizing , The universal precautions are also part of ? - OSHA, How do you drape a client for chemical service ? - Double drape- Towel cape, towel , Any shops and practitioners who engage in any violation by the board shall be liable to a penalty of no more than? - 10,000 for the first time , What services is a cosmetologist not allowed to perform?   - Eyebrow tint, What is the phase between the growing and resting phase? - Catagen , What scalp condition has an accumulation of greasy or waxing scales? - Pityriasis Steatoides , What is the most important practice to eliminate cross-contamination? - Hand Sanitizing , What is called when you have a color 2 shades darker than your hair ? - Low Lights , First step in disinfecting a metal implement? - Scrub with soap and water (sanitize) , What procedure would prepare implements that may accidentally be exposed to blood? - DIsinfection , What is acetone? - A colorless, inflammable liquid, miscible with water, alcohol and ether and has a sweetish odor or burning taste and used as a solvent, What is another name for the intensity of a color? - Chroma or saturation , What services CANNOT be performed by a cosmetologist? - Tanning, Electrolysis, Shiatsu massage and sports massage therapy , What is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet?   - Hazardous Material , In what direction should the face be shaved? - Across the grain , What is another name for asteatosis? - Dry scaly scalp and skin , What is a wig that constructed with an elasticized, mesh-fiber base? - A cap wig , What is the document that clients must sign before service? - Release form , What kind of disinfectant do you use to clean pedicure chair? - EPA registered disinfectant , How you do you clean non-electronic items? - Soap and Water , How do you remove a mask from a container? - With a spatula , How do you apply tint retouch ? - On the regrowth without overlap on previous colored hair , You can accept the nail service if the nail is? - Discolored , What is the purpose of the cuticle of the nail? - To protect from microorganisms , What is metalic hairclors also known as? - Gradual color Progressive haircolors, containing metallic salt dye that change hair color, What equalizes porosity? - Conditioning Fillers, How do you position the head for a blunt cut? - Straight, What is a secondary color? - Green, orange or violet, What is eumelanin? - Dark natural pigmentation (black or brown), How do you position your hands for a blunt cut? - Cutting under your fingers, What does a hair mask do? - Conditions the hair by penetrating deeper, What is true about acetone? - Melts acrylic nail once in contact, What is the pH of most of shampoos? - 4.5-7, How to remove acrylic nails? - Soak in acetone and slide off, What do you use to hold wigs for styling? - A Block, What do you use to disinfect electronical equipment? - Swipe away debris, What product is not allowed to use in a salon? - Methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA), What is an ingredient in shampoo? - Surfactants, Why is it harder to process haircolor on course hair? - Diameter of hair is larger, How should you hold curly hair for a cut? - Least tension , How long does hair have to be for a waxing service? - At least ¼ inch , What is a good place for storing disinfected implements? - Covered container, Primer on the nail is used for? - To absorb moisture from natural nail, Who must be present in a salon at all time? - EPA (Experienced Practicing Licensee) with minimum3 years of experience, What smooths a nail? - Buffer, Which bond makes permanent waving, curl re-forming and chemical relaxing possible? - Disulfide bonds, When preparing for a virgin relaxer application, what would be done FIRST? - Performing test for elasticity and porosity , When using relaxers incorrectly, what could happen? - The hair melts, When using a chemical relaxer, what must you avoid using? - Bleaches or high-lift color products, When analyzing the hair before a chemical relaxer, what is not necessary to be evaluated on the hair for? - Color, Which of the following is the name for wrapping a permanent with one end paper under, and another placed over the end of hair? - Double flat wrap, Which method would you use for dramatically lighten hair color? - Pre-lightening, What color indicates insufficient structure to hair? - Gun-metal gray, Which steps would be performed prior to applying a single-process color on virgin hair? - Parting dry, Which technique cannot be performed with bleach? - Reverse highlighting (lowlighting, What are vertical lines in nails called? - Ridges, Which hydrogen peroxide developer is used with most water f high left colors? - 40 volume , What is NOT a critical part of the hair color consultation? - Look at the client through the mirror ,

State Board Questions Part3 301-400



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