University of Georgia - the first state sponsored public University in the United States; founded in 1785, Creek Indians - American Indian tribe that lived in southern Georgia; was removed from the state through treaties in the 1820’s., Headright System - land allocation approach that provided the head of a family up to 200 acres of free land in the Georgia frontier., Land Lottery - land allocation approach that gave the average Georgian a chance to buy land at pennies on the dollar, Yazoo Land Fraud - an event where land companies bribed members of the Georgia General Assembly to sell land for pennies on the dollar., Railroad - one of the major technological advances in the 19th century. Georgia was one of the leaders in railroad development in the 1830’s and many of Georgia’s towns and cities were established due to the railroad., William McIntosh (1778-1825) - Creek chief who illegally signed the Second Treaty of Indian Springs; was murdered by his tribesmen for this action, Treaty of Indian Springs - An 1821 treaty signed by the Creek Indians and the United States that forced the Creek Nation to cede all of its lands east of the Flint River in Georgia., Cherokee Indians - Native American tribe that lived in northwestern Georgia; forcefully removed from the state in the early 1830’s., Dahlonega Gold Rush - Site of America’s first gold rush in 1828; discovery of gold in the area was a factor in the Cherokee removal., John Marshall (1755-1835) - Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme court who ruled in favor of the Cherokee in the Worcester vs. Georgia case; President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling., John Ross (1790-1866) - Principal Chief of the Cherokee Indians who tried to use legal means to fight against removal., Trail of Tears - final removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia in 1838; over 4,000 people died on the forced march from Georgia to Oklahoma., Worcester v. Georgia (1832) - landmark Supreme Court case which declared that the Cherokee were sovereign and not subject to the laws of the United States. However, Andrew Jackson refused to enforce the Court’s decision and the Cherokee were later removed from Georgia.,

SS8H4: Westward Expansion in Georgia between 1789 and 1840






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